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Club OS Five-by-Five: Paige Kenley

Posted by Kevin Talley on Jul 5, 2018 3:51:14 PM

5x5 (1)-1

Here at Club OS, we’ve put together a team of exceptional individuals. They better our business through professional excellence, they enrich our company culture through diverse backgrounds, and best of all, they make jokes -- mostly bad, but we love that. Every so often, we’ll be sitting down with team members for what we’re calling “Club OS Five-by-Fives.” The premise is simple: Five questions about the awesome work they do at Club OS and five questions about their lives outside of work, which we assume are just as awesome.

This week, we spoke with Business Development Representative, Paige Kenley.


Paige Screenshot

At Work

1.) How long have you been with Club OS, and what are your day-to-day duties?

I've been with Club OS for about a year and a half now. Day to day, I'm helping our sales team develop strategies for our sales and marketing efforts, and I'm also speaking with gym and studio owners about their pain points and seeing if Club OS is something that will help them.

2.) What previous education or work experience do you have that helps you find success as a business development representative?

I've been a musician and educator for most of my time before Club OS, both of which require strong communication skills. I'm also a people person, so I genuinely enjoy just chatting with the folks that call in or e-mail me for more information about Club OS. At the end of the day, I don't feel like a "salesperson," and our customers aren't just "customers." We're all humans who want their problems to be heard and understood, and I think our sales team does a great job of ensuring everyone we talk to feels that way.

3.) Does your own experience as a gym member help you understand the needs of potential clients?

It absolutely does. I've been in gyms with beautiful new TRX set-ups, and I've been in gyms with squat racks that are falling apart. The one thing these gyms have in common is that their owners are trying their best to provide their customers with a great experience while also minding the bottom line. Each gym is different, and each gym owner is going to use Club OS in a different way to address their specific needs. Being a gym-goer and seeing so many different gyms helps me to get to the root of an owner's problems.

4.) How do you determine if Club OS is a good fit for a potential client?

As long as you have a gym or studio and would like some help from the best CRM in the health and fitness industry, you're a good fit! In all seriousness though, Club OS is a good fit for gyms and studios that need an extra set of hands to help them with their day-to-day operations. Our automated follow-ups, brand new (and beautiful) e-mail builder, and reporting abilities make Club OS the most efficient employee you'll ever bring into your club or studio.

5.) What is involved in a demo of Club OS and how can someone request one?

A demo is a great way to get a sense of how Club OS works. You'll take a virtual tour of the software with one of our account executives, have the ability to deep dive into any of our features, and have all your Club OS questions answered. We do our demos through a screen share, so if you’ve got a busy schedule and would prefer to do a demo from the comfort of your own home after the kids go to bed, we 100% support you!

Book A Demo

After Work

1.) Outside of work, what hobbies or passion projects do you pursue?

I love going to shows of all kinds. Operas, musicals, stand-up comedy, concerts… if there’s a ticket to buy, you can guarantee I’ll buy it. Seeing art being made right in front of you is an incredible experience and one that I wish more people would indulge in. Our technology provides such easy ways to find entertainment, but there’s a certain magic that happens when you’re a part of the living, breathing experience yourself.

2.) You're a classically trained opera singer as well as a professional choral singer. Are there major differences between opera and choral singing in terms of vocal style or ability?

Ideally, you use the same vocal technique to sing both operatically and chorally, but the sound you create needs to be tailored to the needs of the music. Operatic singing is focused more on the individual, while choral singing is focused more on the sound all voices create together. I think I love choral music singing the most because I also happen to be a huge fan of teamwork :)

Paige in Opera

(Paige in the Philadelphia Orchestra's production of "Tosca" by Giacomo Puccini.)

3.) Your hometown is Riner, VA, which has a population under 1,000 residents. What are the advantages of growing up in a small town?

The biggest advantage was a childhood that allowed me to do almost anything an adventurous kid could want. I grew up in a house tucked back into the rolling hills of the Appalachian mountains, and there is so much freedom to be had in such an open space. We played out in the fields until well after dark (much to my mother's dismay), built forts in the forest, romped around the creeks and ponds, slid down our big front hill on our backs during rainstorms...I would never choose a different way of growing up.

4.) You win thousands of dollars in the lottery and decide to blow it all on your next birthday. What does your birthday party look like?

The pragmatic side of me cringes at the idea of blowing so much money on a birthday party, but if I had to, I'd take my family and friends on a long trip to the mountains of southern Mexico. I spent three weeks driving around southern Mexico last year, and it was hands down the best trip I’ve taken in my life. We’d drink the world’s best mezcal in Oaxaca, ride horses through the mountainous jungles of Chiapas, explore the relatively uncharted ruins at Yaxchilán, and eventually return home happy, exhausted, and full of wonderful memories.

Paige in Mexico

(Paige at Yaxchilán, an ancient Mayan city, in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas.)

5.) You played basketball and volleyball through middle school and high school. Team USA needs you on either sports' national team at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Which sport do you choose?

This is a very tough question, but I think I’m going to answer volleyball. I loved playing basketball, but a tight rally during a high-stakes volleyball game is one of the most exhilarating things I’ve experienced.

Bonus.) You have to move out of the country tomorrow. You can live in any nation as long as it's non-English speaking and on a different continent. Where are you moving?

Well, I guess Mexico won’t count! I’ve always wanted to explore Morocco and Spain, so those are both top contenders. However, I also feel an ancestral pull to Germany and the Nordic countries. I’ll be visiting Germany, the Czech Republic, and Austria later this year, so I’ll let you know when I come back :)

Topics: Five-by-Fives


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