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How to Re-Engage Lost Customers with Abandoned Cart Messages and Exit Intent Pop-Ups

Posted by Chaviva Gordon-Bennett on Oct 6, 2021 3:13:10 PM


Today’s consumers expect to be able to purchase anything online, including gym memberships, without ever having to engage with another human being. In fact, according to 
Think with Google, 40% of U.S.-based shoppers say they spend more time shopping online than in store. 

Unfortunately, even with so many people shopping online, the average global cart abandonment rate is a shocking 69%, according to Statista. Luckily, cleverly timed abandoned cart emails and on-site pop-ups can solve the problem of club members potentially lost forever.  

How to Use Cart Abandonment Emails to Boost Conversions

When someone comes to your website and starts to register for a gym membership, there’s always a chance that they’ll change their mind and click away before actually signing up. There are many reasons someone might abandon your site, and here are some of the most common:  

  • Getting distracted
  • Unexpected fees or cost is too high
  • Mandatory account creation
  • Payment security options
  • Not enough payment options
  • No discount or promo code available

 Cart abandonment emails let you retarget emails to customers who showed intent to sign up but never completed the purchase. According to Moosend, 45% of cart abandonment emails get opened, 21% are clicked on, and 50% of the users who clicked purchase. Additionally, Moosend reports that the conversion rate for cart abandonment emails is more than 10%. 

Step 1: Determine Cart Abandonment Rates

But before you can start reaching out to these prospects, you have to measure your cart abandonment rate — using Google Analytics, for example — so you can see how many prospects are dropping off. For example, if visitors create 200 carts, and 75 complete their sign-up, then your cart abandonment rate is 62.5%. 

 If your abandoned cart rate is high, you might want to take a look at your email marketing campaigns because they might not be resonating with your audience. Or, your website might not be as user friendly as you think it is or the price might not match what prospects are expecting based on your email campaigns.  

Once you have insight into who is abandoning their carts, you can begin to re-engage these prospects and get them back on your site to finish registering.  

Step 2: Create and Automate Abandoned Cart Emails 

Your abandoned cart emails should be automated and use language of urgency, as well as offer discounts or other promotions, to convince prospects to follow through and become a paying club member. Here are some ideas for language you might want to use:  

  • Oops! Looks like you forgot something. Come back and get 20% off. 
  • Did you leave something behind? Complete your membership registration and get a free personal training session! 
  • Come back! There’s an elliptical with your name on it.  
  • Is your wi-fi down? No worries! Your club membership is waiting for you.  

When putting together your automated cart abandonment email, you can optimize conversion rates by offering one-click checkout. According to Think with Google, price point is often the most important purchase consideration, so also include transparent information around pricing. 

How to Use Exit Intent Pop-Ups to Boost Conversions

Another great way to keep prospects moving forward with a membership purchase is exit-intent pop-ups urging them to stick around and complete the purchase.  

You’ve probably seen these in action: You go to buy that coffeemaker you’ve been eyeing and you see a shipping rate in the shopping cart that blows your mind, so you start to navigate away from the page when boom! A pop up appears offering you free shipping. Just like magic, you buy the coffeemaker.  

If someone comes to your site and discovers additional fees or fine print about the length or terms of the membership they weren’t expecting, they may start to leave. The answer is to add an exit intent pop-up to your website that entices the customer to stay on your site and then incentivizes them to complete the purchase.  

Make sure the offer is only available for a limited time. Here are some ideas for your pop-up: 

  • A flat discount of 10% off the membership 
  • Free merchandise or equipment 
  • Free personal training sessions 

Another great tip for maximizing the impact of your exit intent pop-up is to include social proof, which means a positive review from a current member. You can also offer live support on your exit intent to answer any questions that might be preventing someone from signing up. 

Turn More Site Visitors Into Customers with Club OS

If you’re ready to ensure more prospects and site visitors actually convert into paying club members, cart abandonment emails and exit intent pop-ups are game changers. But to maximize your efforts, you need sales engagement and marketing automation software built for clubs like yours — and that’s where Club OS comes in.  

 Club OS offers next-level marketing and automation solutions to help you grow your business. You can set up automated emails and engage customers to ensure they make their way effortlessly through the sales process. Learn more about Club OS today and start converting more abandoned carts into happy club members.  

Topics: gym membership club-os how to engage prospects abandoned cart online shopping lost customers e-commerce abandoned cart email pop-ups


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